Open en activeer de zeven chakra’s in je lichaam. Elke track wordt begeleid door prachtige en rijke orkestratie en vormt een nauwgezette reflectie van het activeren van de onsterfelijke aard van onze ziel. Je hoort didgeridoo, (Tibetaanse) bellen, kristallen klankschalen, zang van Aeoliah en keyboard.
Elixir Immortâle helps you to activate your new DNA codes for healing and ascension. By aligning with these cosmic healing sound vibrations, you will be able to open and activate the seven sacred seals (chakras) within your body. Each piece is carefully orchestrated with healing crystal bowls, Buddhist chants, and sacred invocations performed by Aeoliah and is recorded and chanted in the specific key of that particular chakra. Beautifully and richly orchestrated, each song selection is a pristine reflection of activating the unlimited, divine and immortal nature of our soul essence. Featuring didgeridoo, gongs, Tibetan bells, crystal bowls, Aeoliah’s voice and keyboards.
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