Sanctuary of Rejuvenation



Artikelnummer: 79855 Categorie:



Deze cd is ontwikkeld om je te helpen bij de verbinding met je diepste zelf. Zachte, kalmerende en romantische melodieen van piano, viool, harp en natuurgeluiden voeden je hart en verjongen je lichaam. Samen met Aeoliah’s unieke geluid van engelenkoren op de achtergrond zorgt Sanctuary of Rejuvenation voor de ultieme sfeer bij de reis naar je innerlijke bewustzijn.

Enter the sanctuary of your private inner oasis and connect with an inner radiance that is comforting to your whole being. Swim in the enchanting, soft romantic melodies that inspire you to love and open the sacred chambers of your heart as you experience a total rejuvenation.Sanctuary of Rejuvenation is designed to help you connect with your own private inner oasis, nurturing your heart, while rejuvenating the body. Soft, soothing and gentle romantic melodies with piano, violins, harp, nature sounds, and Aeoliah’s unique signature sound of angelic choir blending softly in the background to bring us into our sacred, inner sanctuary.

1. Angel Love

2. Radiance

3. External Spring

4. The Embrace

5. Sanctuary

6. Sea of Bliss

7. Windsong

8. Oasis

9. The Treasure



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