The Feng Shui Effect

Sangit Om


Artikelnummer: 60635 Categorie:



De essentie van Feng Shui is het in balans brengen van energiestromen in je huis of op het werk. De inspirerende muziek op deze cd gaat uit van hetzelfde principe en kan overal gebruikt worden. Samenhangende, multi-instrumentale muziek biedt een grote verscheidenheid aan tonen, tempo’s en ritmes; van Oosterse thema’s met Indiase bamboe fluit tot Westerse passages met viool, gitaar en keyboard.

While the principles of Feng Shui are useful aids in bringing balance to the flow of energy in your home and workplace, the parallel of this music is that is does just the same for everywhere you might go. Cohesive multi-instrumental music such as this offers a wide and varied balance of tones, tempos and rhythms, from Eastern themes with Indian bamboo flute to western passages with violin, guitar and keyboards. The moods range from poignant and pastoral to those of joyous celebration. Sangit Om, a German musician who has traveled the world and created many recordings in the past fifteen years, brings many of his cross-cultural influences to this inspired and spirited CD.

1. Heaven

2. Wind

3. Fire

4. Water

5. Earth

6. Mountain

7. Lake

8. Thunder


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